This digital product includes a voucher for the CLE-10-01 exam, valid for one attempt. (Single-Shot Voucher)
A single shot exam voucher – a one-time-use voucher that allows a test candidate to take a certification exam one time (the voucher covers the cost of a single attempt at the exam).
The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and must be used before its expiration date.
The exam voucher is redeemable exclusively through TestNow™ – a secure online testing service that enables you to conveniently take the CLE-10-01 exam from your home or at an authorized OpenEDG testing center.
CLE – C Certified Entry-Level Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like compilation, variables, data types, typecasting, operators, conditional execution, loops, arrays, pointers, memory management, functions, and the runtime environment.
Becoming CLE certified ensures that the individual is familiar with the universal concepts of computer programming as well as acquainted with the most essential means provided by the C language, which enable them to start their own studies at the next level of C programming education, and to continue their professional development.
The exam covers the following topic areas: